Frequently Asked Question

PBX Error: retransmission timeout reached on transmission
Last Updated 10 years ago

Inkomende oproepen komen niet door:

De PBx MAG niet praten met de telefoons.
Dit kan de volgende redenen hebben wanneer men een retransmission error krijgt:

  • Een firewall/netwerk issue, Meestal als er een SIP ALG setting aan staat in de router
  • insecure=invite toevoegen
  • NAT=YES instellen
  • Freepbx-Distro van 1.2xx of 2.2xx naar 3.2xx of 4.2xx geeft dit probleem ook!!
    De DNS settings moeten handmatig ingesteld worden via de commandline (SysAdmin) werkt hier niet)
    Middels setup de dns servers instellen bij de network interface
    Een reboot is nodig om te activeren

Orgineel artikel:

We are seeing a very similar issue that started with "localhost" blacklisting a clients domain and important emails begin failing to arrive at important customers because they were blocked. We changed the hostname of the phone switch as we tracked down "localhost.localdomain" being used to send voicemails by email from FreePBX. The blacklisting stopped, voicemails flowed and then the entire switch went dark after a reboot. DNS and DNSMasq failed. The solution was to hardcode the carriers IP, but that presents problems of its own. SIP ALG is not on. If you populate the DNS section under SYSTEM ADMIN it simply goes blank the next time you reload. You can really break it as well if you save settings under the NETWORK SETTINGS while not changing anything. The issue seems to be the PBXact Utility failing to retain/refresh the settings. We have been able to reproduce this in both 3.211 and 4.211 all loaded from distro. The longer term solution seems to be to manually edit (despite the warnings) the ifcfg.f0 file by adding the DNS entries there manually. The settings are retained after a reload/reboot.

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